Swedish Schools

Below you will find information about the competition for Swedish schools.

Approximately 2,000 schools throughout Sweden participated in the latest round

Awards and Diploma

New and big awards will be given to several participants. More info coming soon. Every participating student will get an exclusive diploma


Winners were recognised in the local media.

The Competition

The competition involves students creating and developing a product (such as a song, image, etc.) using AI, which will then be evaluated. The setup is flexible and takes about one lesson. Upon registration, a PDF file with clear instructions will be sent out. Below, you’ll find information about the competition categories and frequently asked questions.


We have something for every student


With AI, anything can become reality, and quickly at that. Take your wildest imagination and create some epic and new art. 


Rhythm, melody, and lyrics. Everything can be developed today with AI. Experiment to create your own pop, country, or even rock song.


A new card game idea or want to program a computer game. Develop an idea for a game using AI.                       

Open Category

Is there something you've always wanted to try? Perhaps designing a piece of clothing, creating a film, or something entirely different. Let your imagination run wild in our open category.

Common Questions: 

Who are we and what is our goal?
We are the high school students from the Nordic countries who run the non-profit organization AI-Future-Force. We have all recognized the importance of AI for today’s students and their future. We know that the ability to use AI will be critical for future jobs, and we want to give students the opportunity to develop these skills now. We aim to help young people from all backgrounds find their own path and interests through AI.

Who can participate?
All middle and high school students. Teachers can register a class, or individual students can sign up by sending an email to info@aifutureforce.se. No prior knowledge is required to participate.

How much does it cost to participate?
We believe that AI and understanding it should be accessible to everyone, and no one should be excluded due to financial reasons.

How do I register and submit my entry?
You can register either on the website or by sending an email to info@aifutureforce.se (individual students must email their registration). Entries should be submitted to the same email address and must be labeled with the class and school.

Which programs can students use?
It’s up to you. An important aspect of using AI is finding suitable programs, and this competition gives students the opportunity to explore different options. We understand that some programs require a login or payment, and it’s up to each teacher or school to decide what is appropriate. Upon registration, we provide examples of programs that can be tested for the different categories.

How are the entries judged?
Entries are judged based on creativity, innovation, and the use of AI. We encourage students to explore and turn their imaginations into reality using AI.

What can you win?
Trophies are awarded to the winners in each category, and the best overall class also wins a special prize.

How are the winners announced?
Emails will be sent to all participants with information about the winners, and the results will also be published on the website. Previous winners have also had the opportunity to be interviewed by local media.

How can you as a teacher ensure that students use AI ethically and safely?
The key is knowledge and understanding. Discuss AI with the students in the classroom. We have created a presentation to guide you, which covers various aspects of AI and will be shared upon registration.

Got more questions, email us at info@aifutureforce.se